He who can go to the fountain does not go to the water-jar. — Leonardo da Vinci Bill started painting when he was 14. That was his job as an apprentice to the carriage-maker in the village in which he grew up. He painted the carriages with decorative doodles and scenes of country life. Bill's interest in art began much earlier, though, when he met an itinerant painter. He … [Read more...]
“Too much, no good. Not enough, no good!”
Trust me; there couldn’t have been a more clueless human being than I was when I started to paint. Oh sure, it looked easy. After all, it only took twenty-eight minutes to create a painting. Anybody should be able to do that! Unfortunately, I didn’t know about Bill when I started painting. My first painting was a disaster from the moment my brush hit the canvas. … [Read more...]
How the eye is fooled!
So what color is “Forest Green?”
Transparent colors – redux
Transparent colors and a black canvas combine for painting magic! Bill explains how he gets the colors he wants by using transparent colors. In an earlier post, Bill explained transparent colors in this post. In this post, he demonstrates how he uses transparent colors to create his effects! … [Read more...]
Transparent Colors – Part II
Bill continues his demonstration of the marvelous techniques you can achieve with transparent colors. For your convenience, we've included a chart of Alexander colors and their transparency. (Translucent colors are sort of between Opaque and Transparent. You can see through them, but light is refracted so it's as if you are looking through a frosted glass … [Read more...]