“The only thing I know is that I know nothing.”
“For we can only know that we know nothing, and a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.”
One of these quotes is attributed to Socrates. The other is to a Chinese philosopher who wrote one of the foundational texts of Taoism.
Neither quote is easy to document, yet they contain a nugget of wisdom. The more we think we know, the more we realize there is much more to learn.
What we know
We are born perfect. We know this because the Bible tells us we are made in the image of God. Because we are already perfect, we don’t have to waste time trying to BE perfect.
We are all born artists. You only have to give a child a box of crayons and a piece of paper to see an artist at work. That child artist never abandoned us. She dwells inside waiting for us to release her.
There is only truth and our perception of the truth. Artists are experts at expressing perceptions.
We can only see what light reflects. Artists must understand the principles of light. They need to know how the human eye perceives objects reflected by light.
We all see the truth around us but perceive it in different ways. Artists can see the world as it is and communicate it to others.
Born to dream
Human beings were born to dream and to learn. Our perceptions are the dreams we create to make sense of the world. Artists articulate new ways to experience the world around us.
Artists are lifelong learners. We seek lifelong learners at Alexander Art. The craft of painting is a process, not a goal. Becoming the best doesn’t happen overnight.
That’s why we offer a complete curriculum. We take you from never having picked up a paintbrush to being a skilled, confident painter.
Choose self-study or mentored classes. We guarantee you will learn the Alexander Method™. If you are familiar with it, we’ll take your art skills to the next level.
1,000 paintings
A statement attributed to Rembrandt outlines the path to mastery. Create 1,000 paintings he said. Well, we have enough projects to get you halfway there (and more on the way).
The more you paint, the more you realize you are only scratching the surface of this remarkable skill. Come learn with Alexander Art and become the artist you’ve always wanted to be. Click here to learn more.