The student who is desirous of making great proficiency in the art of imitating the works of Nature, should not only learn the shape of figures or other objects, and be able to delineate them with truth and precision, but he must also accompany them with their proper lights and shadows, according to the situation in which those objects appear. -- Leonardo da Vinci Today's … [Read more...]
The fountain and the water-jar!
He who can go to the fountain does not go to the water-jar. — Leonardo da Vinci Bill started painting when he was 14. That was his job as an apprentice to the carriage-maker in the village in which he grew up. He painted the carriages with decorative doodles and scenes of country life. Bill's interest in art began much earlier, though, when he met an itinerant painter. He … [Read more...]
“…if you want to make a “seller” out of that.”
Bill sold a lot of paintings in his career. He showed his work in galleries all up and down the West Coast of the United States. He was a shrewd painter when it came to knowing what people wanted to see in paintings. If you listen closely to his videos you'll hear tips on what should (or shouldn't be in your paintings.) If you read Bill's autobiography, you'll get some … [Read more...]