"There is no purpose to purpose." -- Michael Gerber That quote sounds pretty strange, doesn't it? Isn't purpose what all the "gurus" tell us we need to discover? A popular book title is, "Find your Why: A Practical Guide for Discovering Purpose for You and Your Team." (Whew! Whatever happened to nice, short … Continue Reading
Alexander Master Class, the fastest way to learn to paint!
Learn To Paint, Change Your Life!
A master of truth and beauty
You were too big a boy or girl to have mommy leave a light on. There were no "nightlights" plugged into wall outlets back in those days. You … Continue Reading
3 “Sins” of beginning painters
Too Much Magic White™ Tom says Sin #1 is, "Applying too much Magic White™. It should be very thin." Bill warns us at the beginning of … Continue Reading
Alexander Art Membership
Finding a master
There is so much to know and learn - and time is running out! What is the old saying? Art is long and time is short. The lack of information is not a problem anymore. Maybe five hundred years ago finding information was difficult. Then Gutenberg invented the printing press and information became accessible … Continue Reading
The Bill Alexander Story
![painting by Charles Russell of a bucking bronco breaking up an early morning cowboy breakfast on the trail](https://alexanderart.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Russell-750x420.jpg)
The Bill Alexander Story – Building an Art Colony
"This land is so wonderful, and there is so much land on which to be free. Mother Nature has given us so much, and she gives us the feeling that this world is for us. 'Look what I have here for you,' she says again and again." -- Bill Alexander Bill's art was not only inspired by the Old Masters, like Rembrandt, there were also modern artists that he admired. He liked Norman Rockwell, but … [Read More...]