"There is no purpose to purpose." -- Michael Gerber That quote sounds pretty strange, doesn't it? Isn't purpose what all the "gurus" tell us we need to discover? A popular book title is, "Find your Why: A Practical Guide for Discovering Purpose for You and Your Team." (Whew! Whatever happened to nice, short … Continue Reading
Alexander Master Class, the fastest way to learn to paint!
Learn To Paint, Change Your Life!
Fan Brush Waterfall
The last Renaissance Man?
A "polymath" is a person whose expertise spans many domains - or subject areas. Leonardo was a polymath. He lived during the Renaissance, so … Continue Reading
Alexander Art Membership
The fountain and the water-jar!
He who can go to the fountain does not go to the water-jar. — Leonardo da Vinci Bill started painting when he was 14. That was his job as an apprentice to the carriage-maker in the village in which he grew up. He painted the carriages with decorative doodles and scenes of country life. Bill's interest in … Continue Reading
The Bill Alexander Story
The Bill Alexander Story – A New Life
A New Life Many thoughts went through Bill’s mind as the tramp steamer pulled into Halifax Harbor. He thought of a farm, beautiful green fields and cows, lots of cows. He thought of a happy family, plenty of good food and the chance to be with Mother Nature. Thoughts like these can help a man forget the loneliness of separation. Bill had a new start in a new country. A country where he could live … [Read More...]