If everyone could only think like this, the world would be the Garden of Eden. — Bill Alexander
Bill believed that love could save the world. He wanted, through his art, to build a new Garden of Eden. Join us in this wonderful medium of oil painting and learn how you can help create a better tomorrow for all of us!
Alexander says
Gorgeous picture! I hopes one day I could paint half as good as this.
Annie van Es says
How beautiful is this. I am searching often to a painting, because I want to make the air special. This is wonderful. But how can I learn this. I am a student on the Painting school in Wehe de Hoorn, THEO Onnes has bought a basis school and makes it for us. Antje Sonnenschein is our teacher. She learns us to paint with opposite colours I have in the first year made a painting of the group of 7. It is the way of painting in the way van van de Ploeg. A group of painters. Maybe you have heard of them. I thank you for the pictures of paintings. And a nice weekend. Annie van Es.