I want to help give people the power of living toward a better tomorrow. — Bill Alexander
Dear fellow artists:
In Bill’s heart, he believed that art could help people become better human beings. His dream was one of a world of peace and love for one another. As one who had lived through two world wars, he knew first hand that conflict and hate destroyed people and countries. We continue Bill’s work today to teach everyone, through the joy of art, that we can find within ourselves the greatness that Bill believed existed in all of us. Through that greatness, we can work together to create a better world!
P.S. We never want to let a moment go by that we don’t remind you of our FREE “Paint with Bill” art course. Everything you need to know to learn Bill’s method of painting is contained in that course. From preparing your mind to preparing your canvas, Bill steps you through each of the important concepts of his method of oil painting. Enroll now and become the artist you’ve always wanted to be.
Linda says
I am a fairly new to art and drawing. Never thought I could do it. Started when put in an art class at work Teaching patients. Am in love with it just a short time later…however really need to improve my skills and learn more.
Thank you.
Bonnie Polk says
Bill was a great Artist as well as a great man. He is an inspiration to all who ever knew him or studied his painting videos.